Back to the hobby

I have made progress on somethings since my last update, I gave up on fur fabric grass, for me it was not working. I have seen some amazing faux fur grass mats, mine was not one of them. I may use bits of the fur in future projets. The brown faux fur never made it as far as my officce, it got used to cover a chair, I am glasd as i am not sure it would have worked for me. I decideed the next attempt at creating a board would be using the old realm of battle boards that Games Workshop used to produce. About five years ago I decorated them for Warhammer 40,000. They did not see much use and had become a big expensive white elephant in my office. My original painting was lazy, I more or less painted them the same colour as they were before I decorated them, I was aiming for a blasted landsccape that could be used as the wilderness and for city fighting, they worked well for the three games I played on them. I moved onto other things and the boards hung around like a mill stone ar...