Back to the hobby

I have made progress on somethings since my last update, I gave up on fur fabric grass, for me it was not working. I have seen some amazing faux fur grass mats, mine was not one of them. I may use bits of the fur in future projets. The brown faux fur never made it as far as my officce, it got used to cover a chair, I am glasd as i am not sure it would have worked for me.

I decideed the next attempt at creating a board would be using the old realm of battle boards that Games Workshop used to produce. About five years ago I decorated them for Warhammer 40,000. They did not see much use and had become a big expensive white elephant in my office. My original painting was lazy, I more or less painted them the same colour as they were before I decorated them, I was aiming for a blasted landsccape that could be used as the wilderness and for city fighting, they worked well for the three games I played on them. I moved onto other things and the boards hung around like a mill stone around my neck.

I decided to repurpose the boards for Hail Caesar. I looked at them and realised the biggest problem was Games Workshop's love of skulls on everything, I needed to cover those up and the weird paving slabs, after some consideration I decided on what I was going to do.

I decided to use bird grit and sand to cover up the skulls and bones along the cliffs and use Vallejo's European Mud effect to cover up the skull pits and some of their still water effect to crete marshland

I used various coloured flocks and tufts from The Army Painter and Woodland Scenics to cover the the majority of the boards, on the cliffs I used white acylic paint bought from a local hobby shop to give the effect of chalk. I washed them with sepia wash from Vallejo then dry brushed white. The end result I was happy with.

 The boards looked reasonable acceptable but I discovered inpractical for Hail Caesar. I decided to use them for photos of models but not for gaming. I had to look elsewhere for that.

In the meantime I rebased my models from Saga to Hail Caesar bases, I think they look better on square bases anyway.

The archers have been rebased again since then as I decided I wanted them available for swordpoint. I did not like the result so I rebased them back again. That is the state of my hobby projects at the current time. I have a number of future ideas including a medieval settlement I plan to work on in the near future. I just hope I can get them all finished and done

Photography by NevBrett


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