
Showing posts from June, 2021

Anglo-Danes and new highlighting technique

I have been continued work on my SAGA warband and have completed two and a half hearthguard. The going is slow, mostly because I hate painting metal surfaces such mail jackets and weapons and I much prefer painting cloth and wood. I found the models to be painted to an adequate tabletop standard, they're certainly up there with my better models. I am halfway there to one point of SAGA forces.  I had a go at using proper highlighting methods rather than the drybrush method I normally use, I used one of the Gripping Beast models to try the method out; it has been too long since I have added to my painting skills. The highlighting was a success and it added depth to the model and brought it to life. As I practice, I am confident I will get better at it with time (kind of obvious really).

Disappointment and set backs

Abandoned Gripping Beast Hearthguard  The weekend started off well. I was happily painted some Gripping Beast Anglo-Dane Hearthguard. They went okay, took me surprisingly little time to paint. I painted them production line style, the way I used to paint Warhammer Skaven. This really sped the process up, they felt like they took no time at all. I tried my hardest to make each one an individual and not too uniform. The end result was okay, I was not excessively pleased by them nor was I disappointed with them. The construction process of them had been problematic to say the least. The Dane axes were spindly and the metal bent easily, the hand and arms lined up poorly and once assembled they did not look quite right. I was willing to over look this if it was just those models. I was wrong, I began preparing some warriors to be assembled, it soon became clear that the hands were not going to be able to hold their tree trunk spears, no amount of bending of the hand or drilling was goin...

Romans, Celts and Anglo-Saxons

 Some of this years models, in no particular order. I have mostly been painting Anglo-Saxons so far this year but I have begun a few other projects, I have started work on the Romans and Celts from the  Hail Caesar starter set, some 1:200 scale planes for  Blood Red Skies and finally an Anglo-Dane warlord for Saga. Hail Caesar Roman General and Celt Warlord Anglo-Saxon detachment for Hail Caesar Anglo-Saxons Anglo-Saxons Anglo-Saxons Anglo-Saxons Anglo-Saxons Anglo-Saxon Earl Anglo-Saxons Anglo-Saxons Anglo-Saxons Anglo-Saxons Anglo-Saxons Anglo-Saxons Anglo-Saxons Anglo-Saxons Anglo-Saxons Anglo-Saxons Blood Red Skies Supermarine Spitfire (Blood Red Skies) Saga Anglo-Saxon Warlord (Saga) Objective markers for Hail Caesar/Saga Early Medieval Civilians Early Medieval Monks Early medieval Civilians outside a house

Saga: Age of Vikings

Saga: Age of Vikings   I have decided to return to Saga and create a new warband for the Age of Vikings book. I decided on creating a new Anglo-Dane warband as my last one became part of my Hail Caesar Anglo-Saxon army and due to mounting them on bases of four they have become unusable in Saga. Though I stated in an earlier blog entry that I have reservations about Saga I decided to give it a go again and have a smaller project to work on. I once again searched the internet for suitable models, first considering using the Victrix models I have. I eventually settled on a warband from Gripping Beast, allowing me to purchase some models I had been after for sometime. I ordered six points of models from the Beast, they are as follows: Warlord Hearthguard, 1 point Hearthguard, 1 point Hearthguard 1 point Warriors, 1 point Warriors, 1 point Warriors, 1 point Total: 6 points Unpacking the eagerly awaited models Anglo-Dane warlord all painted and based After the arrival of the models I rat...