Saga: Age of Vikings

Saga: Age of Vikings 

I have decided to return to Saga and create a new warband for the Age of Vikings book. I decided on creating a new Anglo-Dane warband as my last one became part of my Hail Caesar Anglo-Saxon army and due to mounting them on bases of four they have become unusable in Saga. Though I stated in an earlier blog entry that I have reservations about Saga I decided to give it a go again and have a smaller project to work on. I once again searched the internet for suitable models, first considering using the Victrix models I have. I eventually settled on a warband from Gripping Beast, allowing me to purchase some models I had been after for sometime.

I ordered six points of models from the Beast, they are as follows:


Hearthguard, 1 point

Hearthguard, 1 point

Hearthguard 1 point

Warriors, 1 point

Warriors, 1 point

Warriors, 1 point

Total: 6 points

Unpacking the eagerly awaited models

Anglo-Dane warlord all painted and based

After the arrival of the models I rather enthusiastically built and painted the warlord, I based the colour scheme and shield design similar to an Earl by Footsore miniatures I painted a few years back. The shield design did not turn out as neat as I had previously done, this is mostly down to my hands being more unsteady than they used to be.

Hearthguard ready to be assembled

hearthguard primed for painting

The completion of the warlord saw me move onto the first unit of Hearthguard. I built them and primedd them, at the current time they are yet to be painted.

I intend to have the whole warband painted within two months. I need to keep my motivation going. The problem I have found trying to recreate the battle of Ashdown is the number of troops being painted is almost soul destroying and I needed a project that I can see an end too. 

I'm looking forward to getting the warband on the table and as lockdown eases getting a few games in with my regular opponent and good friend.


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