More trees

I thought with the country and most of the  in general in lockdown I would have more time to do my hobby and blog articles, I was wrong. It would appear with a combination of medication and not actually having to go anywhere I have been sleeping more (getting between seven and eight hours sleep a night now), I actually have less time to do things. It has also taken sometime as I decided to make four different types of tree and planned to do four different articles and then decided not too, then I decided too and now I am not sure which way to do it. I am still favouring a number of articles, but that a decision for when I have made the last of the trees.

I decided this week to redo the lichen trees I had been working on as I did not like how they were looking, they looked far too much like the clump foliage trees and I also nearly finished the coco-fibre trees, I have quite the forest slowly growing on my desk (by slowly growing I do not mean as slow a real forest though, or at least I hope not!)

The Lichen trees with a finer flock much better now.

The original foliage on the trees was a darker green and a coarser flock, I spent a considerable amount of time staring at them before I decided to make the change, I am glad I did as I have ended up with more rounded foliage on the trees as opposed to the random look of the clump foliage trees. I failed to get photographs of the lichen trees with the coarse foliage on, but that is probably for the best as they did not look considerably different enough for what I wanted which is a forest that you can easily see the different species of trees.

The coco-fibre trees were surprisingly easy to make, which probably means I have done something rather dramatically wrong and its going to come back to haunt me at a later date when I least expect it. The forest is looking nicely varied now. I did have a facepalm moment in the week when I was discussing the tree species with my family and realised that with the battle of Ashdown, the trees would probably have no foliage on them or at the most, very little, due to the battle taking place in early January, Winter time in England thus Winter time in Wessex, oh well, they look good anyway so I am going to use them anyway.

The trees so far. 
Back row L-R: two lichen tree, two clump foliage trees
Middle row L-R: coco-fibre tree, lichen tree, two coco-fibre trees
I only need to highlight the trees and use a fixer on them to seal them then I can move onto my string trees trees then base them all. Well thats my update done for now, hopefully I will have another update shortly or maybe even the finished tree blog article.


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