SAS independent reinforced platoon


David Stirling's L Detachment SAS were formed in 1941 after Layforce a commando unit, of which Stirling was a member, was disbanded. Stirling believed a small covert unit of men could parachute behind enemy lines and sow chaos and mayhem amongst the German and Italian supply lines and airbases and along with Jock Lewes, who invented the Lewes bomb that the SAS would go on to use to great effect and Paddy Mayne who had a reputation for being a mad man and a violent temper after a few drinks, the SAS was formed.

During November 1941 the SAS parachuted behind German and Italian lines, this turned out disastrous for L Detachment as both the weather and the enemy being on high alert conspired against them, of the 66 men that made up the SAS half of them lost their lives or were captured. The SAS changed tactics and began using the LRDG to transport them around instead, eventually Stirling secured armed Jeeps for the SAS, reducing reliance on LRDG vehicles. The SAS used the jeeps to devasting effect including at Sidi Haneish where a large convoy of jeeps under Stirling's command used their machine guns to destroy 30 aircraft. Stirling was captured at Gabes Gap trying to link up with US forces, eventually ending up in Colditz, Lewes was killed whilst on a mission, the SAS convoy came under an aerial attack and Lewes was last seen destroying mission notes in the cab of a truck before it was blown up. Mayne became a major and led the SAS for the rest of the war, he became one of the most decorated soldiers of the war, though he was denied the Victoria Cross for reasons unknown. Under Mayne's command, the SAS went on to see action in Italy and Western Europe helping the allies in their push to Berlin. 

Starting at Christmas 2022 I began a project to paint an SAS jeep and an LRDG truck, both from Warlord Games,this quickly spiralled out of control and became a platoon for Bolt Action. I began work on a 1000pt SAS independent reinforced platoon, however thanks to some nice models from Warlord Games and Perry Miniatures my force expanded beyond the 1000pts I planned. There are two army lists in Campaign: the Western Desert  book the first is reinforced platoon-early: November 1941-May 1942 or reinforced platoon- independent: June 1942-April 1943. I chose the reinforced platoon- independent as they have a large number of Jeeps and ford/chevy trucks available to them, which meant more vehicles for me to paint and I love painting vehicles.

Below is my initial 1000pt list:

Second Lieutenant (veteran) 
  • SMG, 
  • veteran team medic with rifle
SAS infantry section
  • NCO with SMG
  • 2 veterans with SMG
  • 1 veteran with rifle 
  • Team medic with rifle
  • Veteran LMG team

SAS infantry section
  • NCO with SMG
  • 2 veterans with SMG
  • 1 veteran with rifle 
  • Team medic with rifle
  • Veteran LMG team
SAS Demolition team (veteran)
  • NCO
  • Team medic 

SAS Jeep (veteran)
  • HMG
  • Wing mounted MMG
  • Rear facing MMG
SAS Jeep (veteran)
  • Rear facing MMG
  • Forward facing twin vickers K

SAS Jeep (veteran)
  • Forward facing HMG
  • Rear facing MMG 
SAS Jeep (veteran)
  • Rear facing MMG
  • Forward facing twin vickers K

LRDG chevy CWT 30 truck
  • Forward facing MMG
  • Rear facing MMG

LRDG chevy CWT 30 truck
  • Forward facing MMG
  • Rear facing MMG

Total points:                                               1000pts

Order dice: 10

My list is far from competitive, I have tried to make the squads rather eclectic with a mix of rifles, LMGs and SMGs, the intention behind that is to demonstrate that the SAS used whatever they could lay their hands on. There is very little choice in the selector and the hardest part is fitting everything in as a good proportion of the points goes on compulsory purchases, the officer and two squads of vererans, three jeeps and transports for everything, what with everyone being veterans too, it did not leave many points to play with. Once I have used them I shall write a blog entry in how they performed, though with my track record it will not be very well.

Below are some photographs of the models, better pictures can be found on Instagram or Facebook under Nev's wargaming. 

(Left-right) Paddy Mayne, David Stirling and Jock Lewes

SAS officer with SAS veteran

SAS demolition team 

SAS veteran squad

SAS veteran squad


SAS Jeeps

(Left to right) LRDG Chevy, LRDG Ford, LRDG Chevy


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