Unboxing #2: Paddy Mayne and gaming aids


An unboxing of yet another order this time from October 2023. 

The parcel was, as always, well packed and with a free sprue, this time winter Germans.

The first thing out of the box was Warlord's soldier of fortune for October, SAS hero Paddy Mayne, completing the set of the three founders of the SAS. Paddy Mayne would go onto be the commanding officer of the SAS after Major David Stirling was captured by the Afrika Korps at Gabes Gap, where he was attempting to link up with US forces.

This blister contains:

  • 1x SAS hero Paddy Mayne (metal)

Pin markers are the next thing, designed to look like explosions and in a stand out red colou. The only downside to them is that it is hard to see what number the pin marker points at, I am going to have to find a way to make them stand out. Overall though they are a nice way to demonstrate pins.

This set contains:

  • 12x pin markers (plastic)

Finally we have templates and effect tokens representing a number of in game effects, these are: artillery barrage/air strike, immobilised, turret jammed, hidden, you men: snap to action, indirect fire

This set contains:

  • 1x Blast template (plastic)
  • 2x Artillery barrage/air strike tokens (plastic)
  • 2x immobilised tokens (plastic)
  • 2x turret jammed tokens (plastic)
  • 16x hidden tokens (plastic)
  • 5x You men, snap to Action (plastic)
  • 2x indirect fire tokens (plastic)
The sets give me everything I need to begin playing Bolt Action, I just need to get motivated and organise a few games......


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